Organ Meats & Bones

  • Grass-Fed Beef Heart Grass-Fed Beef Heart cooked
    Montana Ranch and Cattle

    Grass-Fed Beef Heart

    Discover the bold, nutrient-rich delight of our Grass-Fed Beef Heart from Montana Ranch and Cattle, a choice for the culinary adventurous and health-conscious alike. Harvested from cattle grazed on the pristine pastures of Montana, this beef heart offers...
    $4.48 - $36.95
  • Beef Kidney Beef Kidney Cooked
    Montana Ranch and Cattle

    Beef Kidney

    Our Montana Ranch and Cattle Grass-Fed Beef Kidney is a nutrient-rich organ meat that is perfect for those looking to incorporate a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals into their diet. Sourced from grass-fed cattle, our beef kidney is of the highest...
    $8.22 - $13.69